Emo Electric was founded in 2022 by T.R. Ludwig and Luke Hickling. T.R. is a founder and CEO of Brooklyn Solar Works, a solar installation company in Brooklyn, NY. Luke Hickling is the owner of Moriches Island Sailing, where he teaches people how to use both motor and sailboats in East Moriches, NY. Luke is a licensed captain and also has experience working on yachts and sailing offshore.

Luke and T.R. met in 2021 when they became neighbors, after T.R. and his family purchased a home in East Moriches. T.R. was eager to take advantage of the bay in his new back yard and hired Luke to teach him how to use his recently purchased Trophy Bayliner, which was powered by an old two stroke. T.R. loved being on the bay but certainly did not love the old, loud and dirty motor on his boat. As a solar professional and electric vehicle enthusiast, he knew that there could be a cleaner and more sustainable way to power his boat than a gasoline outboard.

T.R. spent countless hours researching ways that he could build a purpose-built electric boat or repower an existing boat with an electric outboard. While there were a few companies manufacturing electric outboards, T.R. realized that there was no company that could help him choose the most appropriate electric outboard for him and install the motor; he had to do all of the research and project management himself.

Realizing this need for a company that specialized in electric outboards, T.R. approached Luke with the idea and Emo Electric was born! Between T.R.’s experience in sustainable energy and Luke’s in the marine field, Emo Electric is perfectly suited to help you gain more knowledge about electric boats and choose the right electric engine for your boat! We are here to help you pick the right manufacturer and engine for your boat, install the motor, integrate it with your boat, set up a charging station at your home, marina, or dock, and even help you install solar charging at your home or marina to make your boating experience truly emission free.