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Marinas have an excellent opportunity to promote electric boats and enable them to thrive. We're here to help you adapt your business to the future of boating.
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Work With Us To Repower Your Customer's Boats
Electric outboards are here, and we have the expertise to help repower your customers' boats. It's not rocket science, but it's certainly different than swapping out an old two stroke with a brand new four stroke. We offer consultations to help you and your customers decided if an electric outboard is suitable for their boat and how they use it. We also offer a commission to marinas that refer us customers for electric repowers.
Electric outboards are currently available in power output equivalent to 100hp. These engines work best for people who use their boats to travel relatively short distances or cruise at slower speeds. The initial investment for an electric propulsion system is significantly higher than a traditional outboard engine, but the cost of ownership is much lower. Electricity is much cheaper than gas or diesel, and electric outboards have very little maintenance.
Offer Your Customers Small Electric Outboards
High horsepower electric outboards are a very new technology, but small electric outboards 3hp or smaller have been around for years. The difference is that now, these motors aren't little trolling motors that need to be connected to heavy 12v lead acid batteries; they're light weight, powerful, compact, and have batteries that fit right on top of the motor. Torqeedo's Travel Series and ePropulsion's Spirit Evo and Spirit 1.0 Plus are great options for sail boats and small tenders. Both products can be integrated with solar charging, set up with tiller or remote steering, and ePropulsion's Evo has hydrogeneration capabilities, which sailors love!
If you have customers that are interested in one of these small electric outboards, we pay a commission on all referrals. We may be willing to offer a motor to display at your marina on a consignment basis.
To learn more about small electric outboards, please visit take a look at our blog, FAQ, or click the button below to contact us. You can also visit Torqeedo's and ePropulsion's websites.
Power Your Marina With Solar
Just as fuel docks have pumped gas and diesel into boats in the past, electric boat charging stations will power the boats of the future. Marinas are in a unique position to not only enable a transition to green boating, but to add a new revenue stream.
Some marinas will continue to supply power to boaters from the grid and make a profit by marking up the price per kilowatt of energy. Other marinas will choose to supply power to their electric charging stations with solar; a better move for the environment and a better move for your bottom line. Once the initial investment in solar is paid off, you'll be free to sell your energy to your customers at 100% profit.
Our solar roots run deep. TR Ludwig, one of our founders, is the CEO of Brooklyn Solar works. We can work with you to help you understand how much solar you'll need at your marina, how much capital will be required to install it, and how long it will take for that initial investment to pay off. We can also help you install charging stations at slips throughout your marina.